
Acquaintance with any site begins by viewing the top of the page. 如你所知,在每个主页上都有一个菜单和一个滑块. Think about whether the external look of these elements is impressive or do you need to work on them. 总是可以对部分进行更改. Thus, you improve your online store and make it more client-oriented. Megamenu WordPress plugins are beautiful, flexible, and easily configurable elements. With their help, you can create a menu fully adapted to your style and corporate colors. 所有这些都可以通过设置来实现. Below we will tell you more about the goods and how to choose them. 在templatemmonster购物.


这个软件为你的网站添加了必要的元素. At the same time, 得到一个大函数, 有了它的帮助,你给它一个精致的外观. 购买给你什么:

  • Flexible settings. Choose colors, align to the center or left, select fonts, etc.
  • 对不同设备的适应性. 我们所有的项目都是100%响应. Regardless of what device you use to view them, they look great.
  • 不同的网站建设者. Gutenberg, Elementor, Beaver, Breeze, WPBakery, Visual Composer, and Divi may be among them.
  • Simple management. Web开发人员添加了 拖放技术 so that even beginners can try to handle the settings themselves.
  • Editing instructions. It is much easier to make all the adjustments if you have an extensive manual where web developers describe each action step by step.
  • 安装相对容易.
  • Sticky navigation menu. You have four options for improving the navigation system - on scroll sticky, fixed top, smart scroll, and fixed on scroll. 为你的网站选择最合适的登陆页.
  • Two menu types. 其中包括水平和垂直选项. Immediately note that in most cases, the product has a horizontal view. But it is possible to reconfigure it if the web developer adds such a function. The vertical type is best if you want to add product categories and blog post categories to pages.

下面我们也会告诉你如何使用新购买的产品. You will see that many actions can be done by yourself, even if you have never done them before.


As a rule, such a drop-down menu is helpful for all businesses. 你必须点击查看小节的日子一去不复返了. 现在,将光标指向所需的区域就足够了.

Our goods are beneficial for online stores or websites with many subcategories. Visitors feel pleasure when they find the desired section quickly. The new component is not only visually appealing, but also attracts attention. Additionally, it is convenient and enhances the user experience.


First, 当开始一个新项目时, you buy all the tools for a beautiful presentation of your goods or services. Technologies don't stand still, so trends in web design also change. 你的外表必须符合当前的标准. It is therefore necessary to go beyond ordinary and standard approaches. It is necessary to buy modern, more flexible, and technological software.

In addition, sometimes you need to purchase additional tools to improve your project. It is possible to achieve excellent results even with improvements that seem insignificant at first glance. 全局更改的实现是可选的. Try to gradually change the appearance and look at the user's reaction. 请收集客户反馈. It is possible to get valuable feedback from people on how to improve the project and make the pages more attractive and convenient.

第三,品牌重塑意味着许多创新. Here you need precisely flexible and easily changeable components to adapt the website design to the latest brand book and color scheme.



  • 在CMS中安装产品.
  • Create a menu.
  • 执行全局设置.
  • 单独设置每个元素.

第一阶段非常简单. You must go to your site dashboard and find the Plugins section in the left menu. The Download button appears at the top of the screen after you click it. 选择从Templateog体育首页下载的zip归档文件. 上传产品后,请确保产品已激活. That's it; the installation was successful. 不需要任何技巧或特殊技能.

To create a default menu, you must go to the CMS again and select Appearance -> Menu. 这里还有一个按钮用于创建一个新的.

As mentioned earlier, web developers provide instructions on how to edit. This point is essential, as each item has editing options, settings, and functions. The link to the instructions is often located directly in your CMS under the name of the installed software. 这里还有一个来自web开发人员的支持链接.


我们在Templateog体育首页上展示了几个选项. 人们长时间使用这种购买是很常见的. 仔细考虑你的选择. 阅读以下提示来购买你需要的东西:

  • Watch the demo. 除了元素的表示和外观之外, 可以提供更多信息, 以及对其功能的描述.
  • 阅读函数列表. 看看是否有你需要的所有设置.
  • If you want to see more items 对于其他函数,使用过滤器. templatemmonster上有数百种商品. See the filters, apply the necessary parameters and choose additional goods.
  • 记住有一个 Sale section on our marketplace, where you may also find many other types of goods (for example, 网站模板, 电子邮件的设计, additional graphics, 低成本视频模板, and much more.)

If you want a lot of goods at once to develop a new project or you have several clients who need to create an online store, 我们建议你去发现og体育首页One. With the help of a monthly tariff, you get unlimited downloads.


Do you want to watch a video instruction on installing the software? 那这段视频是给你的! Subscribe to our channel and learn many helpful and valuable things.



您将在“销售”部分看到所有有折扣的优惠. Also, you'll find the crossed-out price above in the list of discounted items.


将选中的软件放入篮子中, 写下将向哪些联系人发送购买, and pay online. Remember, all your online payments are completely safe and secure.


You receive an email with a zip archive immediately after payment. Download it to your laptop by clicking on it and selecting Save.


The list of compatible versions is in the description on the product page. 以查找当前拥有的更新选项, go to the admin panel and click Console in the upper left corner.