Teddy Academy - Thème WordPress Elementor pour l'école primaire

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shoppingBag Ventes: 193


Créé: 14 mai 2018

Actualisée: 27 oct. 2023

ID: 69305

og体育首页ONE - Aucune limite pour $14.10/mois

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@ Teddy Academy - th<s:1> WordPress Elementor pour l' cims - caractsims de l' image@ Teddy Academy - th<s:1> WordPress Elementor pour l' samicole primaire - caracsiristiques de l' image 2@ Teddy Academy - th<s:1> WordPress Elementor pour l' samicole primaire - caracsiristiques de l' image@ Teddy Academy - th<s:1> WordPress elements pour l' samicole primaire - caractsamistiques de l' image@ Teddy Academy - th<s:1> WordPress Elementor pour l' samicole primaire - caractsamistiques de l' image@ Teddy Academy - th<s:1> me WordPress elements pour l' cims - caractsims de l' image@ Teddy Academy - th<s:1> WordPress Elementor pour l' <s:1> <s:1>职业生涯的<s:1>职业生涯的<s:1>职业生涯的<s:1>职业生涯的<s:1>职业生涯的<s:1>职业生涯的开始

你可以在网站上看到你的履历,你可以在网站上看到你的履历 ? Nous avons une solution pour vous! Avec notre modèle WordPress pour école primaire , vous disposez du design le plus réactif et engageant du secteur ! Avec le thème Teddy Academy , 你可以把你的电子邮件发给你的电子邮件。你的电子邮件发给你的电子邮件. 它允许配置器在不需要对文件进行修改的情况下对信息进行修改. Le thème contient également l'addon JetElements pour Elementor, 相当多的潜水者阻止了个人的个人档案,并在网上投票, contenant des modules supplémentaires, 不包括dans l'ensemble d' / / / /所有/所有/所有/所有/所有元素标准. Vous pouvez trouver的插件JetMenu和crasser的适当菜单Mega personalissamos en quelques clics ! Planifiez votre employeesdu temps插件插件事件日历和partagez les评论插件插件客户端插件Jet. Trouvez encore plus de fonctionnalités dans le thème WordPress de l'école primaire Teddy Academy !


Teddy Academy (October 26, 2023):

  • WordPress 6.3 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.16 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Teddy Academy (December 21, 2020):

  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.0 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.6 compatible.

7 Commentaires sur ce produit

I used this one for my customers daycare center. 非常有组织和清晰的文档,非常容易安装,没有发现任何问题. Nothing more than good theme and no complaining at all. Tedday Academy theme is very well made and straigtforward. Good documentation and will buy again from this brand. Very happy to find this theme.
泰迪学院的主题是我们学校网站的一个很好的基础. 我们安装了主题和演示内容作为我们自己网站的基础. 通过element页面编辑器修改演示内容很容易, even for the staff that has little WordPress experience. The best part of the theme is all the templates that come pre-made, which allows us to create new pages quickly and easily. 主页有几个功能,我们必须合并像计数器, the full background images and the meet the team sections. Design-wise, 这个主题给了我们创建一个专业水平的网站所需的一切,我们的学生, parents and others see, increasing our brand and reputation. There is a bit of a learning curve, like with everything, but definitely worth every penny and the time invested.
Отличный шаблон, очень понравился. Все замечательно работает.
The template has a good and nice interface, 这个模板的问题是,它需要一些插件是付费的最佳工作. The Elementor plugin is not included in its pro version, installation is good and administration is fast.
Thank you for your feedback. Please note that free Elementor version is included initially. Elementor Pro在技术上是免费的Elementor插件的附加组件,具有扩展的额外小部件列表http://prnt.sc/pnv1uu 基本上免费的元素版本足以修改和添加新的内容. 顺便说一下,jet插件包含在你的模板中,它通过多个额外的小部件扩展了element的功能, so you don't need to use elementor Pro payed version.
Excellent is one of the best templates for the elementor platform, 此外,它还有几个额外的工具来实施与公共服务相关的项目, private institutions and, above all, for services, since it has multiple options within its own structure; We can also adapt our requirements either commercial or institutional designs in it without inconvenience and it is worth mentioning that we can customize it as desired and want, as well as fit perfectly in other areas. It has all the necessary pages to start a project, the forms, the content, the positions, the answer, etc. I am very happy and agree with this template. 从现在开始,我给你信心,templatemonster有最好的网站设计产品. 我向所有希望下载这些模板或其他模板的用户推荐, and I will be completely satisfied as I am; What's more, 我想买更多的模板,形成我自己的业务. H erevised and has many additional tools of elementor pro and more, 我还想提一下,技术支持服务和技术支持是正确的,因为他们总是保持联系,并为客户可能遇到的任何问题提供支持, 他们总是把一切都弄清楚,并澄清了关于我购买的产品的任何问题. 当我买幼苗时,他们总是给我下一次购买的折扣券,事实上,这让我们节省了一点,但很好. 更不用说现金返还对我们买家来说也是非常有利的. I am very comfortable, one thousand thousand thousand thanks. I am happy and happy with everything. Thank you

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