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销售: 5
支持: 4.8/5


Nowadays, education and 科学 have become an essential part of everyone's life. Some people regularly read scientific articles; some take courses; others look for online tutors. 登陆页面是推广教育业务的好方法, thanks to its unique structure aimed at grabbing the attention of visitors and encouraging action. High conversions of landing pages and their huge potential when integrated with advertising services show incredible results in marketing strategies. Do you have no website creation experience and would like to try something not so difficult but still influential? Science landing page templates from Template怪物 will be an excellent starting point for the online presence of your business. 别担心会出问题. 随购买每个高级模板, 我们经验丰富的专家将为您提供全天候的技术支持.


  • 响应的布局, 结合跨浏览器兼容性, 是我们制造的每件产品的基础吗. Now you can cover all categories of your customers, regardless of what gadgets and browsers they use. Safari和iPhone, 谷歌Chrome和笔记本电脑, Firefox and tablet - the site will show a smooth performance under any circumstances.
  • 流行的设计, 创新的配色方案, and various effects will amaze any sophisticated visitor and make your site stand out from the crowd of twinks. 视差, 动画, 图形元素, and 3D models - choose a theme with the features you like best and present your content in a non-trivial modern way.
  • 经典网站的功能,如博客部分, 画廊, and Google maps will make your site as complete as multi-page web resources and still compact and laconic. Don't limit yourself using the landing page - post cool articles and reviews, 添加具有高质量照片的块, 分享你的离线办公地点, 全部来自一页!
  • Back to Top is a must-have button for any landing page that allows people to quickly return to your website's header without wasting time scrolling. In addition, landing pages include controls to navigate between blocks for easy and quick navigation.
  • 触点形式, 在线聊天, and pop-up widgets are a great way to connect with customers right through the site. Add a futuristic way of communicating in addition to your standard phone number and email!
  • Social media integration has been a must for every website in recent years. 添加可点击按钮,引导您的Instagram, 脸谱网, 推特, or YouTube pages so that your customers can share their opinion about you right in their feed. At the same time, potential consumers can find more information about you.


We have created designs for this collection so that in the starter version, 他们已经准备好启动与以下相关的在线项目:

  • 线上线下课程;
  • 学校和大学;
  • 为学童及学生售卖物品;
  • 书店;
  • 教育博客;
  • 科学协会;
  • 科学门户网站等.


我们知道我们的主要受众是绝对的IT初学者, so most of our clients may face difficulties at the start of their journey. Here are some tips to help make your online project successful in the first months after its creation:

  • 不要忘记SEO. You can avoid spending on a copywriter by creating cool text content yourself, 但并不是每个人都能处理这种优化. 糟糕的SEO可能是在线推广失败的主要原因之一.
  • 寻找可靠的广告服务. Both newbies and already successful, well-known companies are actively using Google Ads. 然而, 你的选择, 当然, 这取决于你的潜在受众最常使用哪个搜索引擎.
  • 发展社交媒体,紧跟潮流. 使用所有可能的渠道来推广你的网站. 不要忽视Instagram、YouTube或TikTok的影响力. Come up with your own kind of content or just write trending articles or shoot videos to attract more people to what you do.



Most themes have blog section layouts; however, 我们建议尝试WordPress或Joomla模板, 成熟的博客. 博客 blocks in landing pages are more of an extra element than a great base for a blog.


当然, 使用正确的优化方法, 每个基于我们产品的网站都可以获得很高的排名.

Can you help me create content for my website based on one of the 科学 landing page templates?

是的,我们提供广泛的服务,包括内容创作. Please contact our managers if you're interested in receiving an extra service.

我是个开发人员, and I'd like to use 科学 landing page templates to create projects for my clients. 这不是被禁止的吗??

No, it's not prohibited to use our themes for creating different web projects. 但是,请记住,一个模板只能在一个域中使用. 对于多种用途,我们建议购买一个特殊的许可证.

How to Create a Scientific Landing Page That Converts - Tips by Template怪物

观看有关最热门趋势的有用视频 & 方法论登陆页面创建技巧. 根据我们的指南建立一个转换科学登陆页. It's perfect for scientists, scientific associations and centres one-page websites.