
家居装饰, 家具, 翻新产品一直很受欢迎, 因此,在这个细分市场中,每个企业都有成功的机会. 然而, success is impossible without presenting goods or 服务s on the network because most people now prefer online shopping. Landing pages are a great way to create a platform for attracting new customers due to high conversion and focus on promotion. 他们在网页设计市场上占据领先地位. Our ready-made templates are ideal if you prefer conciseness to multi-page websites or want to update your outdated design. Experienced industry experts from our team work on daily upgrades of their 项目s to provide each client with a first-class basis for the web presentation of their business. 趋势特征, 创新的想法, and the best mixes - all this you will receive when purchasing decor landing page templates from Template怪物. 除了, 每次购买, we provide 24/7 free technical support so you don't have to worry about something going wrong and you will be left alone with your problem.


  • Among the dozens of advantages of landing pages, it's worth mentioning its special structure. 易于导航, they are the perfect base for your marketing strategy and clever tricks to grab your visitors' attention. Full concentration on your offers or content is ensured if you choose a landing page for your web 项目.
  • 响应 layout and cross-browser compatibility are mandatory requirements for our IT specialists before developing each theme. According to various statistics, most people prefer online shopping using mobile phones or tablets. With our responsive templates, you won't lose this wide audience of potential customers.
  • SEO-friendliness will provide you with a steady stream of organic traffic with the right optimization approach. High rankings are one of the factors that ensure satisfactory results for any online business.
  • 视网膜准备对博客和商业站点都很重要. 在第一种情况下, people will enjoy high-quality photos that complement the text content; in the second case, 他们能考虑到你方商品的所有细节.
  • A wide range of ready-made blocks and UI elements reduce 项目 startup time because everything you need can be found in the theme package. 添加的片段, 删除不必要的, change their order and arrangement - all this is available to you even if you do not have deep knowledge of IT.
  • 视差, GSAP动画, 倾斜悬停效果, 移动的物体, and many other trendy design features will set you apart from the competition. 让访问者在访问你的网站的第一秒就感到惊奇, 而且他们肯定会对你的报价感兴趣.


每个主题都是专门为特定的利基需求, 所以在购买之后你会很高兴知道的, 您的站点将完全准备好, 它只缺少内容和托管. Themes from this collection will be an excellent base for online 项目s related to:

  • 装饰;
  • 维修服务;
  • 建筑;
  • 设计师;
  • 摄影师;
  • 家具店;
  • 手工制作的商品;
  • 餐具、厨房配件等.


产品文件到达你的邮箱后, you should think about supplementing them with content to make the site look professional. 这里有一些给初学者的建议:

  • 整合社交网络. 登陆页包含了很多内容, 但是关于你的额外信息来源不会过多.
  • 聘请一名文案和SEO专家. It is unlikely that you will be able to optimize the site correctly if you have never encountered this, 所以最好还是相信专业人士.
  • 如果你没有自己的照片,可以从照片库里下载. 当然, uniqueness is appreciated more, but not everyone has a sufficient budget initially.
  • Tell people about your strengths and why people should choose you over your competitors. 比较产品或价格, 添加满意客户的评论, 前/后的照片, 或者你的奖项和证书.
  • Finally, it is important to mention that the choice of hosting plays an important role. Often the reason for low income is the inter-day performance of the site or its unstable work.


Can I sell decor landing page templates I've designed myself via Template怪物?

确定! Our team is always happy to support novice or experienced developers who want to find a new way to earn money remotely. 请在专门的部分阅读关于成为作家的信息, 你可以在页脚看到的链接.

Can you help me choose hosting for my resource based on decor landing page templates?

当然, 我们与许多值得信赖的托管提供商合作, so you can be sure that your data will be safe and the site will work quickly. Please write to our live chat and our managers will help you choose the best option for a reasonable cost.


You might see additional offers you can opt to purchase during ordering templates, 但我们没有任何隐藏的成本涉及我们的模板销售.



How to Create a 装饰ation Landing Page That Converts - Tips by Template怪物

观看有关最热门趋势的有用视频 & 设计登陆页面的技巧. 用我们的指南建立一个转换装饰的登陆页面. 它是完美的家具和家庭装修机构一页的网站.